Cycling through the Nature Reserves…

Cycling through the stony trails of the Milwanee, Mikaya and Mbuluzi Nature Reserves, gives you not only an exhilarating work-out manoeuvring the undulating terrain, but a closer look at the wild animals living there. Hmmmm… I keep saying ‘wild’, but in essence these ‘wild’ animals exuded nothing but peace. They went about their business as if we were not there – for the most part anyway.

They allowed us to traverse their territory once we respected their space, respected their needs. And that’s fair enough. At no time did we feel threatened. Quite the opposite. We felt grateful that we could get a glimpse of their daily lifestyle. And to be honest, it seemed to be pretty much one of leisure. Grazing, laying in the shade, glancing at us only briefly just to acknowledge our existence, I imagine – then continuing on as if we were not there.

Before I left on this vacation, my eldest brother, out of concern for my safety of course, mentioned simply that I didn’t need to be the fastest cyclist, just not the slowest on the trail. At no time however did I feel threatened cycling through the vast open spaces, or sometimes scary single-track paths.

The journey was exhilarating and challenging to say the least. All the while though, giving me a great sense of accomplishment, peace and oneness with nature.

6 thoughts on “Cycling through the Nature Reserves…

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